Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Am I really back?
It's been ages since the last time that I posted something here.
I'm really busy as of now and sometimes I really can't find time to go online since:
first, I don't have a PC at home.
second, because of my work. (Yes! I'm working now)
third, studies ( you heard it right, I'm studying and at the same time working)
God has given me so much blessings for this year. Im always looking forward everyday of my life. Waking up each day is a gift from God, a chance that I should not pass.
Since the start of 2008 is something to be remembered of. I kicked the year with a bang! :)
I went to places that I havent been before. I tried new things such as rapelling and twas fun! :)
Joined in the Interschool Debate Competition.
In 3 months still of 08 were a lot of experiences and filled with blessings and I owe it to Him.
There is no one like our God.
Posted by Pam at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 8, 2007
back to blogging.
Because it's sunday today, kaya mey time ako to update my blog.
malapit na prelims namin. *nervous*
ngayon, my classes are still smooth pero grabe, dami kung dapat gawin, like assignments, study for our quizzes and do some projects. Kaya lang naman, pero medyo busy lang talaga kaya di ko masingit ang forum at syempre pagsusurf sa net. hayy..
akalain nyo bang 8:30am ang class ko sa Rizal course (RC) eh, nalalate pa ako! darn! hayy.. kung discussion lang eh, hindi, pero pagdating ng quiz naku! ewan ko nalang dun pa ako nalalate.kainis! i'll try to change that, baka mahabit ko pa at i'll flunk the subject. di ko gusto yun!
Bumabawi rin naman ako sa oral participation.. hehehehe
hmm... right now, I had a lot of new and revived friendships. hahaa. i'm happy and contented. Akala ko nga eh, lalabo na yung relationship namin ng hubby ko coz we're far from each other talaga. He transferred kasi to another school and shift ng course, but I'm thankful kasi despite of the distance, we became much closer and stronger. :) *kakakilig*
sige, i'll go ahead..pupunta pa akong mall mey bibilin ako. hehehe
Posted by Pam at 12:39 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Personality test 100
I took this personality test in the web. wala..hehe just sharing. =p
Key Areas of your Personality
Your personality stands out from the average person's particularly in the areas of:
Your High Curiosity Level
Your High Emotional Reactivity Level
One chapter of your 100-page Personality Report is dedicated to how you compare to the average woman and the average man in the 8 main areas of personality, and how this affects the way that people interact with you.
Subset of your Personality Measurement:
check out
Your personality is made up of a unique pattern of traits. These traits impact the way you think, feel, and behave on an everyday basis. In your report you will read a detailed explanation of each of your core personality traits, including your strengths and challenge points.
Your Interaction Style:
You scored 75 in the area of extroversion/ introversion, which means that your energy is directed primarily outward towards other people and things - rather than inward. You don't mind being alone, but you feel most energized and inspired when you are around other people. Your mixed extroversion/ introversion tendency affects your learning style: For example, it is more effective for you to listen to a person explain something than it is for you to read about it on your own.
Social patterns: You are left-brained when it comes to interacting with people and recognizing emotions in other people.
What does this mean? Since there is a 'cross-over' in the human brain for visual information, it means that you tend to focus on the right side of a person's face when you want to figure out what they are thinking and feeling. This is a unique way of viewing the world. You are likely to be sensitive to 'micro-expressions' - the tiny movements of the muscles in the face that occur, for example, when someone is telling a lie.
Hearing preferences are an interesting exception to this left-right crossover. For example, if two people were talking behind a closed door and you needed to put your ear on the door to hear, you would tend to use your left ear instead of your right.
This Personality Summary is based on only 2 out of the 32 personality dimensions we measured in the questionnaire. Your 100-page Personality Report is based on all 32 dimensions and will give you and in-depth analysis of your unique personality.
Knowing yourself better will help you lead a happier and more successful life:
Posted by Pam at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Top 10 Facts about Low Self Esteem
Top Ten Facts about Low Self Esteem
Late in 2001, thinking about 'low self esteem' changed worldwide. The Rowntree Report (The costs and causes of low self esteem) paved the way for more effective, research-based identification and treatment of low self esteem.
If you suffer from low self esteem (or have been told you do), or treat people with low self esteem (or think you do), please read on.Mark Tyrrell, co-author of the Self Confidence Trainer, completed a UK tours in 2002, 2003, 2004 & 2005 teaching thousands of health professionals the facts about self esteem and how to treat low self esteem in their patients. He has also co-authored a book on self esteem for Axis Publishing called The Giant Within - Maximise Your Self Esteem.As you can imagine, Mark did a lot of research for his seminar 'How to Lift Low Self Esteem'.
He has listed his 10 most important 'Tips' for you here.
1) Low Self Esteem Not To Blame!We now know that all the ills of society cannot be blamed on low-self esteem (Prof Nicholas Emler - The Rowntree Report 2001). According to the latest research, low self esteem is not to blame for nearly as many problems as has traditionally been thought.
2) High Self Esteem Linked to CriminalityIt is now clear that too high self esteem or 'High Self Esteem Disorder' is often more of a problem. (This is NOT merely a 'disguised' form of low self-esteem, as commonly thought). So, if you are the victim of a bully then you can rest assured you don't have to feel sorry for them. Hundreds of pieces of reliable research now show that bullies and many criminals are much more likely to suffer from unrealistically high self esteem and impulse control problems than low self esteem. An exaggerated sense of entitlement - expecting much from many situations - is more likely to lead to frustration and aggressive, antisocial, or even criminal behaviour.
3) A Little More Uncertainty Can HelpContrary to popular opinion, people with low self-esteem are always very sure of themselves. This manifests in their conviction that they are worthless or inadequate. As you will know if you have ever tried to argue with someone who puts themselves down continually, it is very hard to do! When someone with low self esteem becomes less sure of their own opinion of themselves and therefore begins to assess counter evidence regarding their worthlessness, their self image begins to become more healthy.
4) You Can't Argue Someone Better!Telling some one they are great or wonderful when they are constantly negative about themselves will not work. Arguing with someone who is so sure of themselves does not work, as we all know. You will just break rapport with that person. We have all met people who feel more comfortable in relationships with people who treat them badly - because that person seems to see things the way they do.People with low self esteem can be upset by 'disconfirming feedback.' In other words if something happens which indicates that they may not be as terrible as they thought, it can feel disturbing as it contradicts their way of perceiving. Healthy self esteem needs to emerge subtly, not as a sudden result of hearing you are 'really special' or 'fantastic'.People need proof that unsettles the certainty that they are so 'defective' or inadequate and leads to a more realistic and balanced self-assessment. This can only happen when they become calmer and more relaxed so that they can observe themselves more objectively and less emotionally. When ever we are highly emotional our perception is distorted ('emotional hijacking') when people calm down around the idea of themselves then a healthier self-esteem can emerge!
5) Child Abuse Increases Likelihood of Low Self EsteemPeople who were abused as children (physical beating or sexual abuse) are more likely to suffer unrealistic low self esteem as adults. This is because of constant repetition of a 'message' that they are of little value or just an object to be used. In a way they have been 'brain washed' by constant criticism or abuse that they are a certain way.When a person begins to question this former conditioning or brainwashing then a healthier and more accurate sense of self can begin to emerge. However the person may have to be de-traumatised so the emotional brain responds differently in future (rather than solely learning to think differently about stuff). However the way we think and our assumptions need to be observed, understood and if necessary challenged. (explanatory styles)(Note: Most people who have low self esteem were not abused as children.)
6) Healthy Pleasures Are VitalWe need to engage in activities which we enjoy and in which we can 'lose ourselves' regularly. The better one's sense of themselves the less they tend to use words like 'me, myself, I, mine' (personal pronouns) Someone's mental and even, to some extent, physical health can be directly related to how 'self-referential' they are in their conversation - as people become healthier they use the 'I' word less, in the same way that when your knee stops hurting you don't need to rub it any more. People should be encouraged to focus their attention away from themselves as well as to be able to take their own needs into account. A healthy balance should be encouraged as should the development of real practical skills. Real responsibility should be encouraged so that self-worth can respond to external evidence on an ongoing basis.
7) Make the Most of SuccessLow self esteem requires a particular attitude towards success. Whenever you succeed at something, you must 'write it off' as good luck, chance, or someone else's responsibility.To gain a more realistic view of yourself, you need to take appropriate credit for your successes. In the Self Confidence Trainer, we call this skill 'Converting'.This involves learning how to convert real successes into statements about yourself. The other part of the picture is to view perceived failures as temporary and not statements about your 'core identity'.
Build on Solid Foundations
For anyone to be psychologically and physicaly healthy on an ongoing basis, there are a set of requirements that must be built into life. This is the checklist I use with my patients:
The need to give and receive attention
Taking care of the mind-body connection
The need for meaning, purpose and goals
The need for a connection to something greater than ourselves
The need for creativity and stimulation
The need for intimacy and connection
The need for a sense of control
The need for status
The need for a sense of safety and security
Of course, it is likely that at any one time, one or more of these may be slightly lacking in your life, without dire consequences. However, in the long-term, they must all be catered for one way or another.
9) Characteristics of Genuinely Low Self Esteem Social withdrawal Anxiety and emotional turmoil Lack of social skills and self confidence. Depression and/or bouts of sadness Less social conformity Eating disorders Inability to accept compliments An Inability to see yourself 'squarely' - to be fair to yourself Accentuating the negative Exaggerated concern over what they imagine other people think Self neglect Treating yourself badly but NOT other people Worrying whether you have treated others badly Reluctance to take on challenges Reluctance to trust your own opinion Expect little out of life for yourself
10) It's not just about Positive Thinking!Positive thinking can be useful in that it challenges you to form a different view on things. However, most of the time it just takes the form of arguing with yourself, and as we've seen from 4) above, this doesn't work.
To change your self image and improve low self esteem, you need to believe in an alternative opinion of yourself, not just repeat platitudes about how great you are really!
Posted by Pam at 3:22 PM 3 comments
10 Signs of Ailing Mind
Sleep and Weight
usual, if you can’t fall asleep or wake up after only a few hours and can’t go back to sleep, experts say emotional distress may be looming large in your life.“If you have recurring disturbances of sleep more than once or twice a week, and there are no physical reasons your doctor can identify, your problem may be linked to a psychological problem — most commonly, anxiety or depression,” says Goodstein.
2. Dramatic weight fluctuations/changes in eating patterns. Have you gained or lost a significant amount of weight without any changes in your diet or exercise regime? Do you find yourself constantly thinking about food — or repulsed by the thought of eating? If so, experts say it could be a sign of emotional distress.
“Constant preoccupation with food, weight, and body image is a sign that an eating disorder is sapping energy from other areas of life,” says Aronowitz. In women and young girls a loss of menstruation in conjunction with changes in appetite can also be a sign of trouble.Also look out for a lack of appetite. Goodstein says it can sometimes be a sign of depression.
Unusual Symptoms and Short Fuses
3. Unexplained physical symptoms. If, despite a complete physical workout and even a visit to a specialist or two, no one can find a reason behind your physical complaints, it may be your body’s way of letting you know that your mind is in distress.
“Unusual symptoms that resist the million-dollar workup can be a sign that your body is expressing some kind of emotional upset,” says Goodstein. Problems commonly linked to emotional distress can include headaches, a rumbling stomach, diarrhea, constipation, and chronic pain — especially backaches.
4. Difficulty managing anger or controlling your temper. Are you fine when you’re by yourself but frequently get provoked to an explosion by your spouse, children, friends, or co-workers? If so, you may be on stress overload, a situation that is dangerous to your physical and mental health — and unhealthy for those around you.
“Not being able to control your anger is a sign of inability to manage feelings. And this is the one symptom that has the biggest impact on other people; children and women especially are affected,” says Anie Kalayjian, EdD, RN, adjunct professor of psychology at Fordham University in New York City.Generally, she says, folks who have anger-management problems do not recognize the symptoms because they feel fine when they are by themselves.
“This is something that only comes into play in relation to another person — so it’s easy to blame the other person for what is really your symptom,” Kalayjian tells WebMD.Even if you don’t see the signs in yourself, Kalayjian says consider counseling if your boss, co- workers, spouse, family, or friends are frequently telling you to calm down and watch your temper.
Obsessive, Tired, or Forgetful?
5. Compulsive/obsessive behaviors. Are you washing your hands — or feel a compulsion to do so — even though there’s no logical reason? Has the fun gone out of life because you are constantly worrying that something bad is going to happen? Does it take you an hour or more to leave your home because you’re bogged down with a series of “rituals” — like touching things or rechecking locks, the stove, the iron? If so, you may have more anxiety in your life than you can handle alone.
“Obsessions are repetitive thoughts which resemble worry and are accompanied by anxiety. Compulsions are behavioral acts designed to eliminate the obsessions. And sometimes if your mind becomes so cluttered with obsessions, and your day so filled with compulsions, life as you know becomes completely taken over by anxiety and counterproductive rituals,” says Aronowitz.
6. Chronic fatigue, tiredness, and lack of energy.
“When the body cannot handle emotional overload, it simply begins to shut down. And that is often manifested by a sense of extreme tiredness and fatigue,” says Kalayjian.Goodstein adds that feeling too “beat” to do the things you used to love — even when a physical checkup shows everything is alright — can be a sign of emotional distress and depression.
7. Memory problems. Lots of things can temporarily interfere with your memory, from the hormonal changes of menopause, to a preoccupation with a work problem, to a lack of sleep. But it can also be caused by stress, a reaction to a traumatic event, or sometimes an illness such as Alzheimer’s disease. How do you know the difference?
“You need a physical examination first and foremost,” says Kalayjian. If everything checks out OK, she says, then anxiety, depression, or sometimes an unrecognized reaction to a traumatic event you have yet to deal with may be behind your forgetfulness.
Social Activity, Sex, and Mood
8. Shunning social activity. Did you love to go the movies with friends and now you don’t? Do you seem fine at work but the minute you’re home you jump into bed and just “veg out”? Are you turning down invitations because you simply feel better when you stay at home? Experts say all can be signs that your emotions may be getting the best of you.
“Any significant change in social behavior for a significant amount of time could indicate a stress overload or other emotional issues are at work,” says Kalayjian.Aronowitz adds that if phobias or fears of certain places or events are keeping you from doing what you want, then anxiety may be looming large in your life.
9. Sex is no longer fun. Are you going through the motions and not feeling the pleasure that sex once brought to your life? Do you love your partner, but just don’t want to make love? If a physical checkup reveals everything is fine, then Kalayjian says an underlying depression, or an anxiety disorder, may be behind your slump.
“Diminished sexual desire and inability to feel joy in the sexual act itself can be a sign of emotional distress,” she says. While that distress may be linked to your relationship with your partner, experts say just as often it could be linked to anxiety stemming from a totally different area of your life.
10. Mood swings and erratic behavior noticed by more than one person. While life may seem like “business as usual” to you, if friends or family members are commenting on your “moody” behavior, experts say pay attention.
“You have to listen to not only your own inner voice, but also listen to what you hear from your best friends, your neighbors, your spouse, your family. Others can have an observation of you that you cannot see,” says Kalayjian. “The greater number of people telling you that something is wrong, the more you need to pay attention.”
SOURCES: Charles Goodstein, MD, clinical professor, psychiatry, NYU Medical Center, New York City; Abby Aronowitz, PhD, psychologist; director,, Huntington, N.Y. Anie Kalayjian, EdD, RN, adjunct professor, psychology, Fordham University, New York City.Reviewed on January 01, 2006WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved.
Posted by Pam at 3:07 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 17, 2007
on a being Volunteer Poll Watcher
Posted by Pam at 6:59 PM 7 comments
Sunday, May 6, 2007
type smart, post wisely
*Be smart. If you don’t use privacy settings, anyone has access to your blog or profile, not just people you know.
*Post your cell phone number, address, or the name of your school
*Post your friends’ names, ages, phone numbers, school names, or addresses
*Add people as friends to your site unless you know them in person
*Communicate with people you don’t know
*Give out your password to anyone other than your parent or guardian
*Meet in person with anyone you first “met” on a social networking site
*Respond to harassing or rude comments posted on your profile
*Make or post plans and activities on your site
*Post photos with school names, locations, license plates, or signs
*Post photos with the name of your sports team
*Post sexually provocative photos
*Respond to threatening or negative emails or IMs
*Check the privacy settings of the social networking sites that you use
*Set privacy settings so that people can only be added as your friend if you approve them
*Set privacy settings so that people can only view your profile if you have approved them as a friend
*Remember that posting information about your friends could put them at risk
*Consider going through your blog and profile and removing information that could put you at risk
*Delete any unwanted messages or friends who continuously leave inappropriate comments
*Report comments to the networking site if they violate that site’s terms of service
*Save or print questionable activity and include date and time
*Tell your parents or guardian if anything happens online that makes you feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused
Trust Your Intuition: Always go with your gut feeling, and if something doesn't feel right to you or a friend, report it. You can help stop the online victimization of youth.
*Anyone you don't know who asks you for personal information, photos or videos
*Unsolicited obscene material from people or companies you don't know
*Misleading URLs on the Internet that point you to sites containing harmful materials rather than what you were looking for
*Anyone who wants to send you photos or videos containing obscene content of youth 18 and younger (The possession, manufacturing, or distributing of child pornography is illegal.)
*Anyone you don't know who asks you to meet them somewhere offline (If the person is an adult this is illegal and they can be charged with a criminal offense called Online Enticement.)
*Threats to your life or safety
*Threats to others
This is a very helpful way to prevent posers and remember to keep safe!
Posted by Pam at 6:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 30, 2007
Summer getaway
yesterday, april 29, 2007 sunday. My friends and I went to a trip in alcoy, it's a 2 1/2 hours away from the city. It was really a lot of fun.
We have planned to meet up at 5am but then, my some of my friends arrive 7am.. imagine? soo sad for the early birds.hahaha! it's always that way. so it's not unsual for us.hehehe
The place was really nice. white sands, the sun, the blue waters..and really good friends that you have..good food. wow! perfect! then after that we even went to the spring take not COLD spring not HOT spring. lolx in Dalaguete it's just a minute away from alcoy so we rush to get there and take a dip. hehe
I really love my friends sooo much. after 2 years of parting ways for our college life, we still keep in touch and bond with each other inspite of our very busy schedule. what is!
that what friends are.
Posted by Pam at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 20, 2007
I can't stop
ABOUT HIM! deym!
I promise myself that I would not fall for this person,
but then I just woke up one day swallowing all the things that I
have said...
now, I can't get him out of my head!
I'm so deym love him inspite of the his negative side
I have seen and witnessed it all
but i just don't understand what the hell about me not forgetting him.
Why my hypothalamus just couldn't stop.
Some people tell me that I should stay away from him, but I just can't.
Hearts has reasons which we can't understand. wtf!
I'm not going see to him anymore after this month of april.. =(
huhuhuhu it is really depressing..
Posted by Pam at 6:55 PM 2 comments